Living in the “Big Sleazy”: Why Corruption is to Blame for New Orleans’ Violent Crime Rate and its Impact on Recovery



Written by Aischa S. Prudhomme – November 23, 2010

For the longest time New Orleans has been known as the “Big Easy” because of its easy living and slow paced, laissez-faire atmosphere. But since the mid-Nineties, the “Big Easy” has also become synonymously known as the “murder capital” of the United States; a title it has consistently held even through post Katrina, and all anyone has to do is turn on the news or pick up a copy of the Times Picayune to see why. The headlines are constantly riddled with stories of the city’s ever increasing murder rate and underlying corruption. This underlying corruption has pervaded New Orleans’ society and indirectly affected the city’s spiraling violent crime rate, turning it from the “Big Easy” to the “Big Sleazy”, and continues to impede the city’s recovery efforts nearly six years after Hurricane Katrina.

New Orleans was first given the dubious…

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